

A Healthy Gut for a Healthy Mood

As research develops and we learn more and more about our gut microbiome we have discovered something called the gut-brain axis. This is the two directional highway of information that connects our brain to our gut! This impacts our mental…

Fish Oil – Omega-3’s Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids, those superstars of healthy fats, pack a powerful punch for your heart. They’re like invisible bodyguards, helping ward off cardiovascular threats in several ways: Heart Rhythm: Omega-3s can steady your heart’s beat, reducing the risk of potentially fatal arrhythmias…

Anti-Hypertension Diet and Recipe

  Anti-Hypertension Diet Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, you might want to try the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan. Research based on 24 years of follow up show that people whose diet resemble the…


Exercise can produce long term health benefits like reducing blood pressure, controlling diabetes, and improving your mood. Exercise is one of the leading New Year’s resolutions that people set for themselves, but a proper regimen can be very difficult to…

Weight loss

plus size woman standing on scale

Weight gain has reached epidemic proportions. In fact, this generation of children is the first generation that is expected to not outlive their parents. Longevity is dropping and weight gain contributes to most chronic diseases. A recent study from Canada…